Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Everything looks better with a touch up

Thanks to several years of living in our house, our woodwork looks rather beat up. Pulling out the cherry stain marker I bought when we first moved in, Miss J and I went to work. She was in charge of pointing out the scratches and I covered them up. If you haven't used one of these stain markers, they are super easy and only cost $4 or $5. I usually scribble it over the scratch from several different directions to hit all the exposed wood and then I wipe over the area with a paper towel to remove the extra stain. Such a fast, easy fix that makes you woodwork look new.


  1. Okay so seriously Lori, you make me laugh! And I say that even after I just dared myself to look at Ben's shark-bite disgusting wound pictures. 9I was so not prepared thank you very much despite your disclaimer!) Oh how proud the G family is of their photographer for those pics! I think G's wins though. Sorry Ben!
    Seriously, you are an amazing woman.
    I have been following along and you have gone through this whole process with I imagine so so many fears-and yet humor and grace.
    I am thrilled that Ben is on the mend.
    And I think it is time we get you back to our house for some pictures to take you away from talking to the cat!
    Maybe J can teach G the beauty of the fluffy duster!
    Shannon G

  2. Well of course you gotta have grace. After all, we all know that "everyone needs a little grace in their life." *wink*

    I hope you guys are doing great. Just let me know when your ready for a session. As long as it doesn't involve wounds or gauze, I am so there! (Hmmm, maybe I should start offering surgical sessions - ewwww!)
